PGE’s Project Zero Climate Keepers is an innovative climate change-oriented program that has been developed specifically for educators–like you–and their students. The following program components are available on this website:
- Climate Keepers: Agents of Project Zero comic—a full-color, 12-page educational comic (available in both English and Spanish editions) that provides students with an engaging story of how a group of young people collaborate to protect the environment. Download the comic or order a classroom set of printed comics for FREE!
- Climate Keepers Teacher’s Guides—Available at two levels (Grades 4-6 and Grades 7-8), each Teacher’s Guide features a series of high-interest, standards-based lessons and activities related to the Climate Keepers. Each guide is designed to help students understand the basics of climate change and the ways in which they and their families can take an active role in being stewards of the environment.
- Student Resources—To further explore different environmental topics, the For Students section of the website offers students a variety of environmental and energy-related videos, activities, and games.
We hope you and your students will enjoy using the Climate Keepers comic and the related curriculum materials.